Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My heart...

Well, it's fine. Basically I have these 'skipped' heart beats but they are not really skipped it just feels that way and everyone has them at some point but I just have a whole lot more on a daily basis. Not sure what normal is but I had like 4300 the day I was wearing the heart monitor, which lefts marks for like 4 days after I took it off!
So, now I just have to stop drinking caffeine and start exercising more or I could just take some pills but I am trying to be a grown up about it and just stop drinking caffeine. I think I am in for two weeks of solid headaches. Suck.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Gettin' My Ticker Checked

On Monday I am going to the doctor to get my heart checked. I'm pretty sure I have an irregular heartbeat. The heart below shows how a normal heart is suppose to beat. Mine doesn't always do that. Some it forgets to beat. So it should be fine, I might just need to take some medication from now on and stop drinking caffine but that's all.

And this is what a real heart looks like. Cool, huh?

Back in the Good Old Days

I wanted to post something so I thought I would put up some old photos. They aren't the best quality but they are still a little fun.
This is me as a baby, maybe like 10 or 11 months. Yea, I was a little chubby baby. One of those bottom teeth got yanked out by a boat via my mother a couple of months after this photo was taken. I know I was a little accident prone. I also lost some with teeth with the help of the train at Avery Park.
Okay so here we have me, on the left, Bethany (Lindell) Hara right and next to her is Nathan whom I haven't seen in like 20 years. Beth had cut her own bangs a little before this picture.

Me and Beth again with her little brother David at the Oregon Coast. I'm sure it was a lot colder than it looks.

And the final picture, I think that I am like 6 here. I don't remember this picture being taken but I know it's at my Grandma's house because she still has that couch.